Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Support Letter


We are starting a new exciting chapter in our lives. It all started in mid-September we attended the COLTS 25th reunion at Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp, a place that holds great significance to me. The speaker that weekend was talking about David’s mighty men, and comparing them to the COLTS. At the end of the weekend the speaker challenged us, asking us what are we using the gifts and training we have? My answer was nothing, Troy and I both felt convicted of this. We had been talking about going into camp ministry since we got married, it just seems like we let life get in the way.

 A few weeks after we were home Troy’s cousin sent me a facebook message with a link to the Frontier Lodge job opportunities page saying he should check out the maintenance manager job they were hiring for. Troy applied, they called the next day to set up an interview date. That was not expected, usually things take a bit more time than just 12 hours! While we were waiting for the interview day we looked into the camp a bit more to see what they offered, we knew they had ice climbing courses and an adventure race for Wycliffe, and bike camps. We found out they offered a camp for the Native children in the area for free! We both think that is amazing, and not surprising it is the first camp to fill up every year. They offer marriage courses, and a mix of weekend courses and festivals geared towards the non-Christian crowd as a way of reaching out to the unsaved. The more we looked into the camp the more we felt like this is somewhere we could go and we hadn’t even been to the interview. Being out at the camp just confirmed that camp ministry is where we were heading next. One day after the interview Troy was driving with the kids and Joelle woke up form a nap and said, “Daddy God says were going to move to the camp.”  “God says I’m going to climb mountains when I’m bigger.”  ”God says He’s got big things for us.”  It gave me goose bumps when Troy told me about it and it was affirmation that we were going somewhere, and now God is opening a new chapter in our adventure book of life. We will be moving out to the camp late December, as Troy starts his job January 7th.

Things we need prayer in are the adjustment to moving out there, for Joelle and Liam as they adapt to living in a new home and for new friends. For Troy as he starts his new job on January 7th, learning new things and learning the camp, for Troy as he is responsible for leading and mentoring 2 staff members in the maintenance area of camp. We also have need for financial support, the camp provides a small living allowance but would appreciate any support to meet the needs our family has on a monthly basis. Please find enclosed information on how you can support us financially.

Thank-you for being on our support team.

Sonja and family

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