We are now into our second week of summer camps and are enjoying sunshine. I can't believe I am praying for rain but we have another forest fire that is around the Banff Park boundary. Even though the fire is far enough away that we are ok here at camp it is affecting our camp programs. The highway is closed around the Cline River, taking away one of our climbing sites, some mountain biking trails, and a section of the river we take campers on. Please pray with us that the fire gets under control and can be put out.
About a week ago we moved into a new staff house giving our kids some more running room and a place we can put a kitchen table big enough we can fit around it and enjoy meals as a family again. The kids are settling into our new home really well, Liam is loving his own room and Joelle is really excited about sharing a room with Mckaleigh. It seems every summer staff changes happen and we say good bye to staff moving on to new things. Our friend Conny moved back to Germany unsure of what is next but excited to see what God has for her and our friends Jesse, Sarah and their little girl Skye moved on to the lower main land in BC to join Arosha a Christian Conservation Organization. We are excited for them to be doing ministry in a place they can use their education and passion for Gods beautiful creation. We will miss them.
I have a few families on my heart right now. There is two families that were previous staff here at camp that are experiencing loss. One family had their five month old baby boy pass away one night last week, and a previous staff member was killed in a vehicle accident. Please pray for these families as they grieve the loss of ones they loved and praise that they are in heaven. There is another baby and family that is needing much prayer right now. Baby Jaeger who is just over a week old is really sick with an infection in his brain and is being treated at the children's hospital in Calgary. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors treating this precious little one. Prayer for his parents as they walk through this, that they will be a testimony of God as they are interacting with the staff at the hospitals. Here is a link to the mothers blog about this little baby. There is a few entry's about him so far. http://beautyinweakness.blogspot.ca/2014/07/wrestling.html